Virtual Dimension Center Fellbach w.V. (VDC)
Auberlenstr. 1370736 Fellbach
Dr. Christoph RundePhone: +49 711 585309-0
Fax: +49 711 585309-19
The Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) was established in 2002 as a network and technology broker for virtual reality technologies (VR), visual simulation and cooperative engineering.
Its members and partners are VR-users, VR-systems providers, research organisations and higher education institutions. Due to the many organisations from the field that are located here, the Stuttgart Region holds a unique concentration of expertise in 3D-visualisation, simulation technology and virtual reality. This leading position is due in part to the many research projects conducted here, where businesses and research departments cooperate to develop the technology.
In order to capitalise on the Stuttgart Region’s existing strengths in virtual reality technology, and to strengthen the local economy by giving local businesses from the automotive and production technology sectors access to new developments in the field, the VDC competence center for virtual reality and collaborative engineering was established.
This center makes it possible for the region to maintain and expand its position as a world leader in this technology and allows the vision of digital product development to develop to its full potential. To achieve this, the VDC conducts projects, collects VR-related information, carries out marketing and public relation activities, directs incoming questions to the consortium’s members, and hosts events in its own facilities and elsewhere. Moreover, the VDC provides and rents out its VR-democenter and offers independent consulting services.