Competence Centre Mechatronics BW e.V. (KMBW)
Manfred-Wörner-Strasse 11573037 Göppingen
Mr. Volker SchiekPhone: +49 7161 965950-0
Fax: +49 7161 965950-5
Herr Martin Späth
Telefon: +49 7161 965950-0
Telefax: +49 7161 965950-5
Today, mechatronics systems are an indispensable part of the lives of most people. From aerospace to bio-medical engineering, from machines and tools to telephone technology, toys, household appliances and cars, mechatronics systems are everywhere.
This was the reasoning behind the founding of Kompetenznetzwerk Mechatronik BW by a group of 28 original members in the year 2001. Since then, they have achieved a great deal. For example, the number of members has grown from 28 to 120. Members of the network include large and small companies from many different industries. There are the classic makers of machinery, tools and manufacturing plants as well as providers of technology for automation, measurement and bio-medical systems. Some companies in the network develop either smaller components like sensors or activators, or they make entire sensor systems for the major industries. But the network also includes some businesses that don’t make any mechatronic products at all. For example, companies that make and sell CAD/CAM software or providers of engineering services use the network as a way to find new customers or to find ways to develop their systems further. Aside from manufacturing companies, the network is also able to attract research and academic organisations, the Stuttgart Region Chamber of Commerce, regional economic development organisations and industry clusters.
The Competence Centre for Mechatronics BW is managed by a central office with two full-time managers addressing the needs and expectations of its member companies. The advisory board of this unincorporated association is made up of experts from the field. They determine the association’s general direction. Activities conducted always focus on mechatronics issues and what businesses in the industry need.