Competence Centre for Environmental Engineering (KURS)
c/o Universität Stuttgart - ISWABandtäle 2
70569 Stuttgart
Mr. Andreas SihlerPhone: +49 711 685-65498
Fax: +49 711 685-65460
The Competence Centre KURS is a network of regional and national experts and com-panies in the field of Environmental Engineering, Environmental Technologies, Resource Protection and Closed Loop Recycling Management. KURS promotes the dialog and the cooperation within the network as well as with external partners.
- We offer you a platform for communication and discussion,
- we organize scientific events and congresses as well as further education and training
- we organize the so called “Kamingespräche” (Fireside informal chats), „Treffpunkt Umwelttechnik (Meeting Point Environmental Engineering)” and “Klima im Gespräch (Climate Talk)” as well as “Abfalltage Baden-Württemberg (Waste Management Con-gress)”
- we support the Know-how-transfer
- we develop new perspectives for projects and R&D activities with our members and external partners
- we support the dialog between competitors in the same trade and
- we publish the result of our joint work
KURS network acts on the following fields of environmental engineering:
Climate Protection, Resource Protection and Efficiency, Closed Loop Recycling Man-agement, Environmental Management, Waste Management and Technology, Cleanup Operation, Waste Water Technology and Industrial Water Technology, Water Quality Management and Water Supply, Water bodies protection, Water balances, Air Pollution Control, Air Purification and Waste Air Treatment, Product and Production Integrated En-vironmental Protection, Environmental Process Technology, Eco-Efficiency
Our members and partners:
Companies, Universities, R&D institutes, ministries, offices, communities, chambers and associations